Taxonomy-Defination and functions

Taxonomy defination and functions                                                            Taxonomy -

 The branch of biology which deals with the study of characters of plants and animals with the purpose of classification , identification and naming them ,is called taxonomy .

                                                                                                                                                                Functions of Taxonomy :  


The main  three functions of taxonomy includes -


 b)nomenclature and

 c)classification . 

(a) Identification:

Identification  is the determination of a taxon based on overall similarities and differences with other taxa. Identification is generally done by comparing representative specimen of a given taxon with the help of key descriptions, illustrations, etc.

(b) Nomenclature:

Nomenclature is the naming of a taxon correctly. It is a precise and universal system of rules used by all botanists of the world for naming newly discovered plants.Often constant study of plants results in differences of opinion concerning past work. This often results in splitting, uniting, changing ranks etc., all of which may affect the plants name. Thus, universal rules are needed to determine the correct name for a plant and the rules for naming the plants are governed by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN). A new name is given to a new taxon.

(c) Classification:

Classification is the arrangement of groups of plants with particular characteristics by rank or position according to certain criteria, and placing them within the taxonomic hierarchy. It includes the determination of position or rank for new taxa as well as old taxa, which have been remodelled, divided, united, transferred or altered in rank.                                                                                                                                                                                      

Types of classification :


   The three main three types of classification are - artificial, natural and phylogenetic :


1. Artificial:

this classification  is based on one or a few easily observable characters such as habit, colour, form, etc., often irrespective of their affinity.

2. Natural:

The natural classification is based on overall similarity, mostly on gross morphology.

3. Phylogenetic:

However phylogenetic classification are not mutually exclusive but often overlap in practice. It is the classification based on common evolutionary descent.     

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