Rules of nomenclature

Defination and rules of nomenclature :

Nomenclature - It is the system of assigning names to the taxonomic groups or organism according to international rules.

 Important rules of nomenclature :

 1) All names of plants and animals should normally be of atleast binomial in nature . In special cases the name should be trinomial.

 2) The name should be in Latin or derivatives of Latin.  

 3) The name should be written in italics. the first letter of the generic name should be capital and the specific must be written in small letter. 

 4) The name should generally be limited to 12 letters.
 5)Author's name should be suffix in Roman letter.                              
6) A name cannot be given twice. 

 7) the nomenclature of taxonomic group is determined by priority of publication . 

8) Name should indicate the feature of the organism and name should be easily pronounciable.

 9) comma is only is between the author name and the year of publication. e.g-the scientific name of common octopus is octopus vulgaris curvier,1797 .  

10) the person who first publishes the scientific name of an animal is the original author of a name , may be written after the species name along with the year of publication . e.g- Lion - Felis leo Linnaeus , 1758 

 11)To avoid confusion the same binomial should not be used to name two different species .
 12) the year in which organism was described should be written after the name of the author or scientist . 

 13) If the name is revised, the name of the original describer should be written in bracket followed by the name of the revising scientist. E.g. Xanthomonas compestris pv Oryzae Dye.


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