Economic importance of fungi

Economic Importance of Fungi :
The fungi are of great economic importance on account of their both harmful as well as beneficial affects .Some account for beneficial and harmful activities of Fungi is discuss in below -

Beneficial activities :

1) Food -Fungi are also important directly as food for human beings. Many mushrooms are edible and different species are cultivated for sale worldwide. While this is a very small proportion of the actual food that we eat, fungi are also widely used in the production of many foods and drinks. These include cheeses, beer and wine, bread, some cakes etc.

2) In Medicine:
Some fungi produce substances which help to cure diseases caused by the pathogenic microorganisms. These substances are called the antibiotics.Therefore the term antibiotic denotes an organic substance, produced by a microorganism, which inhibits the growth of certain other microorganisms.

3) In Industry:

A) Many fungi are used in the commercial preparation of many organic acids and some vitamin preparation. Aspergillus miger, A. glaucus, A. clavatus, citronyces citricus are used for preparation citric acid.
B) Some fungi are used in preparation of certain cheese, e.g- species of Penicillium 

C) Fungi are used in alcoholic industry. The basis of alcoholic industry is production of ethyl alcohol by fermentation of sugar solutions by yeast.

4)To maintain the soil fertility:
Many saprophytic fungi along with bacteria decompose the dead organic matters and thereby they help in returning the nutrients to the soil in a form available to green plants. There fungi also prevent many inorganic substances from being lost by leaching action.

Harmful activities-
1) Spoilage of food - some fungi damages the common food ,such fungi are Aspergillus, Penicillium, Mucor and Rhizopus.

2) Induce disease of human beings 
some fungi are also cause some important diseases in human beings. Asperigillus as A.miger, A.fiavus, A.fumigatus are common human pathogens. Disease caused in aspergilloses of lungs and ears. Some parasitic fungi live in mucous membrane of throad, bronchii and lungs. Few fungi cause skin discoloration.

3) Induce diseases of plants:
Fungi are also damage to crops by causing plast diseases. one of the serious diseases of crop plants, 'damping off' diseases of potato plant caused by Phythiumdebaryanum . The various members of polypores among Basidiomycotina are responsible in causing serious diseases and damages of timber and lumber yielding plants, railway sleepers, wooden pillars, furniture etc.

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