Economic importance of Algae

Algae have both positive and negative roles in our daily life. some positve and negative roles are discuss in below-

Positive or benifical activities :

1) Algae as food - 
Algae have been used by humans as food for centuries in different parts of the world, such as Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, North and South America, France, Germany, Japan, and China. Algae are also taken in several ways depending on the preference of the

2) Algae in industry: 
Iodine industry is mainly depend upon Algae. It is also helpful in cement industry, in the manufacture of dynamite, rubber and blotting paper. It is also used in isolation of boilers, blast furnaces and at various other places where very high temperature (1000°C) is required.
3)Algae is useful in Fish Culture:
The algae are used food for fishes , so they played an imp0rtant role in fish culture .

4) Algae used as fertilizer
The blue green algae like Nostoc , Spirulina are used to convert alkaline soils to fertile soil.

5) Medicinal Use of Algae: 
Brown algae are mainly used in manufactured of various goitre medicine due their high iodine content . Presence of chara and Nitella algae in a pond cause death of mosquito larvae thus helping in control of malaria to some extent.

6)Nitrogen Fixation: 
 The algal plants especially by the members of Cyanophyta (blue-green algae) being played one of the major roles in the conversion of atmosphere nitrogen compounds 

Negative or harmful activities :
1)Many blue green algae like Anabaena Microcyctis etc. produce certain toxic compound. which causes the death of domestric animal and fishes.

 2) Most of the cyanophyceae member have been reported to cause of the poisoning of animal.

3)Phycocyanin pigment of blue green algae causes burning of internal cell if consumed.

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