Morphology of leech

Structure of Leech:

1)It is flattened dorsoventrally but the dorsal surface is a bit more convex than the ventral.

(2)The body-wall of leech is triploblastic and is comprised of a thin cuticle, an epidermis of columnar cells with modified epidermal glands and a thick dermis of connective tissue etc.
3) The body of leech is soft and elongated with a sucker at each end and it measures about 2.5 cms in length when it is fully expanded .

(4) A rounded and hollow crop is present in the centre of leech .

(5) An oblique muscle band is present on either side of crop .

(6) Above the crop of leech a hollow and thin walled dorsal haemocoelomic channel and below it the ventral sinus is present .
(7) In male, the gonopore lies in the mid-ventral line of the tenth segment

(8)The dorsal surface of leech is dark-green but the ventral surface is pale yellow in colour.

( 9)At either end of the leech, adhesive sucker is present. The anterior sucker is composed of the first five segments.

(10)The anterior Sucker is oval and cup-shaped, with its hollow towards the ventral surface.

(11)The posterior sucker is composed of the last seven segments. It is a muscular disc, circular in Outline. The posterior sucker is larger in size compare to the anterior sucker .
(12) The ventral sinus of leech comprises the double nerve cord.

(13) The sense organs of the leech the receptors and they appear as small black spots on the surface of the skin.

(14)The anus of leech is a small opening situated in the middle line on the dorsal surface of the 26th segment.

(15) wherever the diverticula is present, are having the similar structure as the crop.

(16) Instead, there is present a haemocoel, but coelom is absent.
(17) A round and hollow rectum is present in the centre of leech.

(18) The posterior sucker is lined with a thin epidermis, circular and longitudinal muscles and it is filled with many round and irregular sucker glands.

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