Structure, Function Of Pancreas

Pancreas : Pancreas is a gland organ. It is located in the abdomen. It is part of the digestive system and produces insulin and other important enzymes and hormones that help break down of foods. "Structure of Pancreas, Function of Pancreas " 

Structure of Pancreas :

Pancreas has endocrine portion and exocrine portion.The exocrine part is similar to the salivary glands in histology; being formed of acini arranged into lobules.The cells of the acini contain numerous mitochondria, a nucleus and granular cytoplasm. The acinar cells secrete various enzymes of the pancreatic juice while the centroacinar and duct cells contribute to the secretion of electrolytes, most important of which is HCO3–. All the minute ducts from the various lobules unit to form main pancreatic duct of Wirsung. This duct opens into the second part of duodenum along with bile duct.

In most of the normal people, there is also an accessory pancreatic duct of Santorini which opens into the second part of duodenum just above the main duct

Function Of Pancreas :

The main function of pancreas is blood sugar control and
metabolism within the body, and also in the secretion of 
substances (collectively pancreatic juices) which help digestion.

Sugar control and metabolism :

Three million (approximately) cell clusters called pancreatic isolets 
are present in the pancreas.Four main types of cells are present within these islets which are involved in the regulation of blood glucose levels.Each type of cell secretes a different type of hormone: α cells secrete glucagon (increase glucose in blood), β cells secrete insulin (decrease glucose in blood), δ( delta) cells secrete somatostatin (regulates/stops α and β cells) and PP cells, or γ (gamma) cells, secrete pancreatic polypeptide. These act to control blood glucose through secreting glucagon to increase the levels of glucose, and decrease the level of insulin.

Digestion :

In digestive system, the pancreas plays a important role. It secretes 
fluid that contains enzymes into the duodenum. These enzymes help to break down carbohydrates , proteins and lipids (fats) etc. This role is Known as "exocrine" role of pancreas .Proteases, the enzymes involved in the digestion of proteins, include trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen. The enzyme involved in the digestion of fats is lipase. Amylase, also secreted by the pancreas, breaks down starch and other carbohydrates.
"Structure of Pancreas" , "Function Of Pancreas"
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